
council of ministers (poland) معنى

  • مجلس وزراء بولندا
  • council    n. مجلس, مستشار, م ...
  • council of ministers    n. مجلس الوزراء
  • of    prep. من, بشأن, بس ...
  • ministers    الوزراء; وزراء; وز ...

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. council of ministers معنى
  2. council of ministers (ethiopia) معنى
  3. council of ministers (iraq) معنى
  4. council of ministers (italy) معنى
  5. council of ministers (netherlands) معنى
  6. council of ministers (syria) معنى
  7. council of ministers for foreign affairs معنى
  8. council of ministers for foreign affairs of the conference on security and co-operation in europe معنى
  9. council of ministers for foreign affairs of the latin american integration association معنى
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